Backend API

We are experiencing an issue with our Machine Learning Business Rules


We have found the root-cause and have mitigated the issue. All Business Rules are up and running again.

After thorough testing we are now closing this issue.

If you have any further questions, please contact


We are currently experiencing an issue with a specific type of Business Rule that some customers are using. Namely the ones that use Machine Learning to provide decision support to employees to detect that information is sensitive (‘soft classifiers’), like ‘Medical Sensitive Information’. This results in this type of business rule not being communicated to the end-users properly. Our business rules that detect Social Security Numbers, patiënt numbers, etc (“hard classifiers’), do still work properly.

Although machine learning based classifications are just a tool to assist employees, organizations that use this type of business rule might consider communicating the following message to end-users:
“Some business rules in Zivver are currently not working properly at this moment. This means that you have to be extra aware about whether you are sending out sensitive information and if so, manually activate secure email according to company policy”.

Investigation is ongoing. Reach out to if you have any specific questions about the implications for your organization.

Next update is expected in one hour.