Backend API

Connectivity issues


To improve the efficiency of our platform we have introduced a mechanism to scale down the number of servers running at night (CET). However, some servers had troubles rejoining earlier this morning. This led to connectivity issues on our platform.

Because of these connectivity issues it was not always possible to log in to Zivver, to open a received message or to securely send a message.

We resolved this problem by taking out of business the servers that were causing the problem. This immediately solved the problem. Given the high backlog of connections it took some time before our platform was stable again. As of 26th August @ 09:20 CET we can confirm that the Zivver platform is stable.


The connectivity issues are resolved. We will still be monitoring our platform.


It’s currently possible to log in again and to read received Zivver messages. We’re still investigating the root cause and monitoring the connectivity.


Since this morning there are connectivity issues which causes problems when trying to log in to Zivver or when opening a received Zivver message.